sobota, 18 maja 2013

Is my book ready?

I'm preparing to self-publish my novel that I wrote some time ago and couldn't find a publisher willing to take risk with a debut. Recently I read it again and felt sorry that it's not being read, for I had a lot of fun reading it, so I decided to make an e-book, but of course before that I made some corrections. The problem is that it's difficult to tell when to stop! So I asked my Crystal Tarot for advice.
How ready the book is? What will happen if I still keep correcting it?
I got XIII Death and 4 of Pentacles. I pulled an additional card to clarify Death, it was Ace of Swords.

Seems my book is dead ready :D If I proceed, it will be killed, it will be too much. The Ace also suggests that the text (Swords are connected to words, communicating, writing) is as perfect, as it can get. More fixing won't make it light and easily read (4 of Pentacles).

By the way, I think this deck is absolutely stunning, I love, love it!

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