Well... in the end I BOUGHT THEM! The Alexander Daniloff Deck is in my possession now and I must say it's GORGEOUS. It's simply a piece of art. But because I don't like to have decks that I don't use and only stare at them from time to time, I use this deck for exercise also.
Some people will think it a blasphemy, but I'm actually thinking about rounding the corners. They look beautiful, but they're too spiky for my sensitive hands!
I'm going back home soon for two weeks and I want to meet my friends, so I have to organize a group meeting. I asked the cards, which day would be best for that purpose: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday or Tuesday.
I pulled XIV Temperance, Knight of Cups, 5 of Wands, 4 of Cups, 9 of Wands.
Wednesday (Temperance) and Thursday look good for a meeting (Cups being social). On Friday many people will probably have plans made already (5 of Wands). Monday looks like you can relax and be social too (4 of Cups), Tuesday is full of responsibilities (9 of Wands).
Gratuluję zakupu! Sama jestem fanką różnych talii, wiem, że rzadko na zakupie pierwszej się kończy... Talia interesująca, na pewno może zaciekawić :) Satysfakcji z odczytywania i interpretacji tych kart!
OdpowiedzUsuńDziękuję, jak na razie czyta się fajnie :) No ale zaokrąglilam te rogi, bo za bardzo kłuły podczas mieszania kart... I teraz jest super!