piątek, 17 maja 2013


I of course believe yoga is very good for both your body and soul, but while thinking about physical exercises - why not make a tarot exercise too? :)
I'm thinking about coming back to my yoga exercise  I pulled 3 cards: gains for my body, gains for my psyche and a piece of advice. I got 10 of Coins, King of Coins and Page of Wands.

Yoga will give me physical health, but it will also stabilise my mind which is searching for something new - look how the King is stearing at the Page! He would probably like to get up from that chair and do some excercise! I also thought that maybe the Page is suggesting going on a yoga course rather than doing it at home. Well, for now I'll try to do it at home together with my husband. Maybe I will have to motivate him with a metaphorical stick :D

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