niedziela, 8 marca 2015

TdM Majors reflections - VI LAMOVREVX and XX LE IUGEMENT

Some people say, that VI The Lover is about making a choice, so it's not a happy card. He has to - they say - choose between two women. I wouldn't say so. OK, I fancy the idea with two goddesses that appeared before Hercules and also Achilles and gave the hero a choice of a long and quiet life or a short but glorious one. The hero always choses the latter, otherwise he wouldn't be a hero. That's all nice - but what does it have to do with LOVE?
The woman on our right has flowers in her head - the sign of youth. The one on the left - laurel leaves, that also the Queen of Wands bears, the sign of wisdom and knowledge (like the laurels on philosopher's head). I personally like to see this scene as a young man joining with the one he loves (the flower lady), being blessed by his mother (wise laurel lady). She's pushing him towards the bride. The Lover leaves his mother to be with his new wife - an event very important in our lives. His love gives him strength and shines over his path (the cupid and the sun above).
The need to choose I see more in Ace of Swords. So VI The Lover is about things we love or like, about pleasure and fancy -  and therefore the sixes in Minor Arcana as well.

I have sometimes problems with interpreting XX Judgment. It appears in most unexpected situations in my readings. Let's see what this card shows.
The scene depicts biblical resurrection - the angel with the trumpet, people going out of their graves. The angel sends divine power from Heaven to Earth and people come back to life. So the card can be about restarting something, coming back to things long lost or forgotten. It can also mean "the call" or some "news" to us. It also gives hope - that we shouldn't give up.

Both cards have an angel above (if we call the cupid an angel), sending divine energy down to us. They remind us we're not alone in this world, that there's someone or something leading us - if we only want to listen to that divine voice.

3 komentarze:

  1. I like your reading of The Lovers. I've never been comfortable with it as a "choice" card either.

  2. I like your reading of The Lovers. I've never been comfortable with it as a "choice" card either.
