Recently I had a hard time in my life and made my family worry a lot - and also to help me a lot. I'm feeling like I should recover as fast as I can, so I won't be a burden anymore, but there are some moments when I overdo things and thus I experience a breakdown from time to time. I asked my cards how I should treat myself these days and indeed they showed me that I haven't recovered yet.
I pulled 9 of Coins, 3 of Coins, Page of Cups.
I should realize I'm still weak and I have health issues (as 9 is connected to VIIII The Hermit, an old man, and to the physical world in Coins). I should take care of myself and try to built my health back (3 - III The Empress - growth and Coins again). I shouldn't treat myself too harshly or blame myself. Instead I should relax more, be more understanding and treat myself more like a defenseless child (pure Page of Cups).
Major lightbulb moment! I've been reading Tarot for... let's just say some time. Admittedly not TdM, although I'm learning them now, but RWS style. But in all this time I've never come across what you seem to be doing here - associating the meaning of the matching numbered Major with the quality of the suit. I just had a quick look at I to X compared to the 1s to 10s and it makes sense, even with RWS meanings. I'm going to have to spend some time with this. Is this something you developed yourself or is this common practice in TdM circles? More importantly, though, I hope your health improves soon.
OdpowiedzUsuńMajor lightbulb moment! I've been reading Tarot for... let's just say some time. Admittedly not TdM, although I'm learning them now, but RWS style. But in all this time I've never come across what you seem to be doing here - associating the meaning of the matching numbered Major with the quality of the suit. I just had a quick look at I to X compared to the 1s to 10s and it makes sense, even with RWS meanings. I'm going to have to spend some time with this. Is this something you developed yourself or is this common practice in TdM circles? More importantly, though, I hope your health improves soon.
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you very much! :)
OdpowiedzUsuńThere's the "pips-as-Majors" way of reading TdM pips, but it's nothing fixed and everyone tend to find their own way of reading. So I found the idea in the Internet, but now I'm trying to make it my own and adapt it for my needs :)