I used Celtic Cross with positions meanings according to authors of Polish magazine "Tarocista", I. Podlaska and M. Krogulska.
1. My situation. III The Empress
2. An obstacle. VIII Justice
3. (at the top) Our ideal. 3 of Swords
4. (at the bottom) Source of the problem. Knight of Wands
5. (on the left) The past. 9 of Cups
6. (on the right) Near future. 6 of Swords
7. My attitude and knowledge. 10 of Wands
8. My environment. 10 of Cups
9. My emotions connected to the problem. 8 of Pentacles
10. The result. 4 of Wands

I have a potential and am very creative (III), but I restrain myself with perfectionism and criticism (VIII). My ideal is to connect the creative energy with intellectual understanding (3/Swords: creative III and intellectual Swords). The base of my problems is my ambition and impatience (Knight/Wands). In the past I had a break from tarot and it was connected to my mental and emotional disposition at that time (IX and Cups). In the near future it's possible for me to find a good partner for discussions (VI and Swords), for I have joined a Polish tarot forum. My attitude is... too grabby :D (10/Wands). I want too much, I want to be very good, but I don't have yet that much of experience. My environment (10/Cups) is very welcoming - I believe it's about that forum. I fear that I am too down-to-earth (8/Pentacles), but in the end I should find some balance in my desires (4/Wands).