This time it's not about tarot, but it's still about doing divination with cards, so I decided to put it here. Thanks to jmk for the inspiration!
My Grandma used to read from regular playing cards, using only 24 of them (9, 10, J, Q, K, A). She learnt from her mother in Poland. When she was small, she imagined - or did she imagine? - that she had a Gypsy ancestry. Once I asked her to tell me the meanings and I wrote them down. Here's the translation.
The best days for reading the cards are Tuesdays and Fridays.
Ace♣ - worry, illness (e.g. Ace♣ and 10♣ combined - a serious problem, even death hazard)
10♣ - longer journey
9♣ - short journey
Ace♠ - your home
10♠ - a lot of vodka drinking!
9♠ - drinking a bit
Ace♥ - a wedding, a great joy
10♥ - a big joy
9♥ - a small joy
Ace♦ - a letter
10♦ - big money
9♦ - small money
Court cards
Kings - elder men
K♣ - dark/brown hair, serious and solemn
K♠ - black eyes, black hair
K♥ - dark blond hair
K♦ - light blond hair
Queens - women
Jacks - young men, bachelors
Q♣, J♣ - dark/brown hair
Q♠, J♠ - black hair
Q♥, J♥ - dark blond hair
Q♦, J♦ - light blond hair
How to do a "board" reading:
(I call it "the board reading", Grandma just says "the reading").
Shuffle the cards, cut into three. Look under each pile to see the bottom card, interpret.
Put the cards back together, lay them all in three rows, 8 cards each. Your starting point will be the significator card (one of the court cards you chose for the querent). Then travel with your finger through the "board" made from the cards counting to three (in fact Grandma would count "3-4-5", but it still makes three moves...) - you can go up, down, to the sides, change direction etc. The direction you choose depends on your intuition. When you stop at a card, it becomes your new starting point, then move three cards from it etc.
Pile reading:
Can be used as an initial reading before the more detailed "board" reading.
Shuffle the cards and cut them into 5 piles (they don't have to be even). Take each pile into your hand and start interpreting the sequence of cards.
The meaning of the piles are as follows:
1. For me.
2. For the house.
3. What I don't know.
4. What I don't expect.
5. What will happen to me.
use to answer a yes/no question. Put two cards on the table, these will be beginnings of two columns. Lay a card on each of the cards. Whenever the same number/court card appears on the top of another, remove these two and fill the space from the other column - if not, put more from the pile. Your answer is yes, if you're able to remove all cards from the table.