I have wanted this deck for a long time and I kept convincing myself I don't have to buy it. I kept being convincing for quite a while (some 1.5 years), but finally I gave up and got the deck. Then it sat for over a month on the shelf, waiting for the right moment. Today I decided to start working with it and do an interview spread I found on Katey Flowers's page .
I decided on starting with reading it completely intuitively, without reading the companion book. That's because I have a tendency to get overwhelmed and constricted by very deep meanings I find in books. I need a more relaxed approach at first.
1. What can you teach me? 9 of Wands
To show my fangs, how to be more free and brave.
2. Describe yourself. XVII The Star
I'm an inspiration.

3. Describe me. Page of Swords
I'm in a phase of putting fitting puzzles together, filling empty spaces. At the beginning of my path (so the inspiration is very much needed!).
4. How can we work together? The Fool
In various ways, aiming for deep changes and rebirth.
5. Your strengths. XV The Devil
I'm not afraid to go to dark places.
6. Your weakness. Queen of Wands
I'm not good at being a fluffy kitten. Things might get harsh.
7. Our potential together. Ace of Swords
If we work together, we'll cut to the bone, get right to the essence of the things. Without sidetracking.
So... this looks very promising (just like my reading with TdM promissed!). I only wanted to say one thing about the card stock: it is a bit disappointing :( I'm annoyed by some flawes in laminating, which are very visible on the black backs of the cards. It looks like flawed foil was used. Other than that: very excited to have this deck and to finally start working with it!