sobota, 25 października 2014

October - almost past

There's still a week of October left, so there might be new things happening. Even so, some of the cards got me confused.

I used Alexander Daniloff deck.

Atmosphere of the month, important event: 8 of Swords, Knight of Coins, Ace of Swords
Health: 3 of Coins
Family: Page of Cups, Knight of Wands, 8 of Wands
Writing: 3 of Swords

The "Atmosphere" part confused me, so I took two more cards (I usually take only one card for such a general thing). I didn't feel trapped or unhappy, in fact the opposite - I started to build my life anew and sort things around me. Then I remembered about the "important event" thing and it fits: there was a moment when I felt really down, it was at the beginning of the month. Then I set new rules and made some hard decisions (Knight, Ace).
I slowly rebuilt my health. I also started running, so I'm working on being fit (3/Coins).
The family part speaks probably about my son: learning new things with getting older.
I haven't heard from the publishing house for a while, so I might get bad - in fact, heart breaking - news, that they won't publish my book in the end. We'll see...

Edit: the month is over and I can say that 3/Swords meant mainly the disappointment of not getting any reply at all. November reading however reveals also not very promising cards.

September - to sum up

Since I'm lacking time for readings (time when I am not sleepy and can focus properly), September went in a blink of an eye - without the monthly read. Moreover, even September is almost gone...
I decided to make a reading about the past - it's also a good exercise.

I used Crystal Tarot.
Atmosphere of the month: IX The Hermit
Health: 3 of Wands, Knight of Coins, Ace of Cups
Family: X The Wheel of Fortune
Writing: VII The Chariot

I think the Hermit tells about my decision to go back home instead of staying longer at my parents' place and live a life on my own.
Health: 3/Wands show some eruption of energy, an injury I got. Then the Knight - my slow convalescence and the Ace - new hope.
With family I had my ups and downs, like in the Wheel :)
Writing: I got a positive response from one publishing house, so there's the victorious Chariot of good news.