poniedziałek, 30 września 2013

The injection

I'm having an iron injection on Thursday and I wanted to know how it goes. I've never had anything like that done, so I felt a bit anxious, in spite of the doctor telling me I will feel great after that and there's no need to worry.
I pulled 3 cards: 8 of Wands, Page of Wands and VII The Chariot.

The cards are obviously telling me to trust the doctor. I should get a lot of new energy that I'm now lacking!

Edit: the cards actually meant, that 8/Wands was something overwhelming, because the injection/infusion didn't go well and I had to try a new method: Page of Wands (taking tablets instead). After that I've really gotten well - The Chariot :)

czwartek, 19 września 2013

Rounded them!

After trimming my Tarot of the White Cats, I had a problems, because they were quite spiky and thus shuffling them was not comfortable. I couldn't find any corner rounders here, so in the end I decided to round them simply by scissors. Now they feel fabulous!

poniedziałek, 16 września 2013


Since I wanted to tell that person what they needed to know, but I didn't want to hurt them, I asked tarot for tactics - what will work best.

I got 8 of Pentacles, XIII Death and VI The Lovers.

It seemed a logical tactic for me: first praise that person's hard work, then go with the hard part, and in the end stress good points I saw in their work.
I did exactly that and it seems that our meeting went good :)

czwartek, 12 września 2013

What will the reaction be?

I found myself in a situation in which I have to choose whether to tell somebody something that can be difficult to them, but help them grow as an artist - or not to tell them but don't hurt them. I asked the cards what the reaction to that truth would be. I simply pulled three cards.

I got 5 of Swords, VIII Justice (Rx) and 8 of Cups.

Although that person said they're OK with critique, the cards show that they might feel hurt, unfairly judged and become depressed :( To tell or not to tell...?

środa, 11 września 2013

My heritage

I made up a spread about "heritage", the way my character was shaped. I used only Majors. The reversed cards here I see as weaker, not in full strength.

1. Inherited from my mother. IV The Emperor
2. Learned from my mother. V The Hierophant
3. Inherited from my father. XIII Death
4. Learned from my father. VI Lovers
5. Something I have in me naturally. XIX The Sun (Rx)
6. Something I learned in my life. X The Wheel of Fortune (Rx)

I was surprised how well it showed my situation! From my mother I got rational mind and willpower (IV). I learned from her to obey the rules (V). My father gave me a bit melancholic nature after him, I'm also very cautious (XIII The Death has her finger pointing up, like she's saying: "watch out!"). I learned from my father loads of empathy and how to respect other people (VI).
In spite of that melancholy in me, I never totally give up, there's always that feeling in me, that everything is going to be all right (XIX The Sun Rx, weaker). Like my mother, I like to plan things, but only to some level. After that level I prefer to wait and see what comes (X The Wheel Rx). I also dislike controlling other people.
Nobody's perfect, but I believe I received wonderful gifts from my parents. And that I am also a one of a kind human being, that has its own worth! :)

wtorek, 10 września 2013

What kind of tarot reader am I?

I used Celtic Cross with positions meanings according to authors of Polish magazine "Tarocista", I. Podlaska and M. Krogulska.

1. My situation. III The Empress
2. An obstacle. VIII Justice
3. (at the top) Our ideal. 3 of Swords
4. (at the bottom) Source of the problem. Knight of Wands
5. (on the left) The past. 9 of Cups
6. (on the right) Near future. 6 of Swords
7. My attitude and knowledge. 10 of Wands
8. My environment. 10 of Cups
9. My emotions connected to the problem. 8 of Pentacles
10. The result. 4 of Wands

I have a potential and am very creative (III), but I restrain myself with perfectionism and criticism (VIII). My ideal is to connect the creative energy with intellectual understanding (3/Swords: creative III and intellectual Swords). The base of my problems is my ambition and impatience (Knight/Wands). In the past I had a break from tarot and it was connected to my mental and emotional disposition at that time (IX and Cups). In the near future it's possible for me to find a good partner for discussions (VI and Swords), for I have joined a Polish tarot forum. My attitude is... too grabby :D (10/Wands). I want too much, I want to be very good, but I don't have yet that much of experience. My environment (10/Cups) is very welcoming - I believe it's about that forum. I fear that I am too down-to-earth (8/Pentacles), but in the end I should find some balance in my desires (4/Wands).

poniedziałek, 9 września 2013

German exam

I started German classes in May and now it's time for the exam - it's tomorrow. I asked how it would go.
I pulled V The Hierophant.
I believe it will go quite good, it's one of the best cards for education. We will see tomorrow!

Edit: The Hierophant enlightened me with his wisdom! The test went very well :)

piątek, 6 września 2013

Three fields

I tried to read tarot after some break and decided to ask about my three passions: Japanese dance, writing novels and painting watercolours. How will things with them proceed in near future? I chose "Tarot of the Magical Forest" for a change. I felt as unsure about tarot as I feel a bit insecure about that forest world...

I got VI The Lovers, Ace of Cups and XXI The World.

I believe it means that I will need to cooperate with someone to accomplish something with the dance thing - I suppose it means my husband's help in organizing performance. Maybe I will also find a disciple I'm looking for?
The Ace means that writing (which I almost gave up recently) is my true love and that in fact it pained me loose faith in my capability. There could be a chance of a publishing house accepting finally my text - there's a coin in the dove's beak! That would give me faith and enthusiasm for further writing.
As for painting, it's possible that since I'll be busying myself with writing, painting pace will be slowed and The World can represent an end of some cycle.

It all looks quite optimistic, unless I got it all wrong! :D

Tarot crisis

I'm writing to let you know that I didn't stop updating because I'm very lazy, but because of a tarot crisis. I haven't been reading tarot at all recently, so there's nothing to write on the blog. That is because I got discouraged.
I was asked by my sister to lay cards for her and so I did. Then I told her what I saw in the cards (the message looked very clear) and then... it turned out that I got it all wrong, in fact the opposite. This was one of the major reasons for me loosing faith in my tarot reading. Probably everyone has that moment of 
doubt - they think: "what if it really IS random and I make myself believe it isn't?". Or: "what if I don't possess the gift to read the cards?".
I'm not giving up on tarot yet. In fact, I'm writing here again, so maybe there is hope for me.
Did you guys ever have such problems?